Living with Learning in Depth
Imagine a world where people meet each other by sharing their names, or occupations or their LiD Topics. “Hi, I’m Alex and I am Dust. What’s your topic?” “Hi, I’m Volcanoes and I’m Darcy.” “Wow, you and I have lots in common.” “Really? How so?” “I heard about all the Dust that erupted from Mount St. Helens!”
In the first week that we introduced LiD at my school, all I could hear from the children during recess and in the halls was, “What did you get? I got Dogs.” “Cool, I got The Solar System!” Everyone shared, even if they didn’t know one another. There were amazing moments when some students found that they had the same topics as students from other classes. The school was a buzz of enthusiasm and interest.
This is why I love LiD. It builds community in an academic setting. LiD develops collaboration and cooperation, and a deeper, more vibrant understanding of knowledge.
Welcome to Living with Learning in Depth. This websites’ purpose is to assist people to bring LiD to life in the world. By offering resources, sharing experiences and research we can hone our learning skills so we may continue to develop our relationship with knowledge and bring LiD to life for all children.
I am Linda Holmes: Teacher, I.E.R.G. Research Assistant and LiD Trainer. I have taught elementary school for over 35 years and in 2008, I had the privilege of completing the Imaginative Education Masters Program at Simon Fraser University. Upon hearing Kieran Egan present his amazingly simple idea called Learning in Depth, I took on the challenge of implementing LiD into the school world. For further details on my journey, see my ABOUT page.
As an I.E.R.G Research Assistant and LiD Trainer, I have had the immense good fortune to work with the highly qualified and passionate members of I.E.R.G., as well as many interested local and foreign educators. I have participated in presentations with visiting educators from Canada, USA, Australia, Chile, Mexico and Korea.
My job in the past two years has been to assist teachers to implement and develop their LiD programs, whether in a single class, multiple classes or whole school.
If you are interested in learning more about Learning in Depth or you want help with implementing LiD into your world, please contact me through this website. LiD is what I do!
Linda Holmes, BGS, Diploma in Education (Guidance Studies), MED